Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My Goals

I have lot of goals for this year. In 2006 I will try to accomplish all my goals. Some of them are to do my best in school, eat well, and do all my home work. If I accomplish all my goals I will do harder goals next year and then harder and harder. Do you have goals for this year?

I have lots of goals to accomplish. I want to be good soccer player for this I need to exercise in the paseo peatonal. I also want do my best in school, do all my home work. If I accomplish these goals I will make new goals for next year. And until I don’t accomplish those goals I would not change the goals.

The goal I most want to accomplish is to do very good at school. To accomplish that goal I will have to do other goals like doing all my homework on time and with out mistakes. If I do that I will learn all the information for the exams and tests. My notes will get up and the goal will be accomplished.

My most important goal of this year to do well at school because is important in my future. If I do well at school then y will have a good job. These goals will lead me to a great future. And then my goals will be harder and harder. But they will get me to better life.

In other words I have to accomplish my goals, do better in school and in sports. Then get harder goals and then harder goals. That way I will get a better life. So I need to get going. Don’t forget set your goals for 2006.


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