My name is Andres. I am 13 years old and I live in Cartagena, Colombia. I study at a school called Jorge Washington but everybody calls the school Cojowa.I love soccer; I play it all the time. I play soccer at school, at my house, at the beach, and at the club Cartagena that is a very popular place in Cartagena. There is an other place were we play a lot and that place is my house The last bacations we found a trainer and after every class we went to my house and play soccer, I think we went to my house every day on that vacations.I think that I like soccer so much because it’s what most boys of my age on Cartagena play on weekends and in recess.The life in Cartagena is very fun. This is because it is a small city so every thing is very close. An other thing is that a can go to many places by foot and it will take like maximum 15 minutes.One of the central issues and concerns of my nation is the poor people. Many times me and other persons of my age are related by poor people when there is a man or a women asking for money or for something to eat, there are other times that we are related to the poor people like when we are robed or kidnapped for then asking the parents for money.In other countries this problem isn’t so big. For example in Canada and in the united states this problem isn’t so big. Well not that I know.There are other country’s that this problem is worst like in Afghanistan. It seams that every one on there is poor!!!!! There are other issues like the ozone layer is desapering. This is for me a very big problem, and there are people that don’t help on nothing to keep the ozone layer like it is. For example there are some industries that throw many bad things to the air and that bad things go to the ozone layer and make it despear more.
The last issue I will talk about is terrorism. I need to talk about it because it is almost every were. You never know if you have a terrrist close when yo goin an airplain. There are sme terorist in colombia called LAS FARC and they are in the woods. So when you go to the farm you normaly you need to go wih a bodyguard. It is borrinng to have the min colombia. I hope some day thay give up and come to be normal persons and ike that can go to my farm when ever I want.
I hope this problems are solved some day.
LAS FARC give your wepons!!!!!
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